May Recap and June Goals: A Whirlwind of Adventure, Achievement, and Aspiration

May Recap and June Goals: May was a whirlwind! From selling my car in Santa Fe and visiting Zani's off-grid homestead to self-care in Pagosa Springs and settling at Navajo State Park. Ready for June's adventures!


Queen Tasha

5/31/20245 min read

Hey fabulous friends and fellow adventurers!

Can someone please tell me where May went? It feels like I blinked, and the month just zoomed by! May started right in the midst of my epic road trip to Colorado, and oh, what a journey it has been. Let's dive into the whirlwind of my May escapades and take a peek at what June has in store. Buckle up!

May Recap:

The Road to Colorado

When May began, I was in the thick of my road trip to Colorado. The big news? I finally sold the car during my stop in Santa Fe. Hooray! No more towing that reluctant hunk of metal. I also was pleasantly surprised to find that I was able to re-up on lots of Cannabis Goodies here at the recreational dispensary. My next stop was at my friend Zani’s off-grid homestead in Tierra Amarillo, NM. Her place is an absolute gem. She lives in a cozy 5th-wheel RV with a mudroom/storage room that adds a ton of space. With 28 acres, they’ve got plenty of room for their animals and various projects. Zani and her husband were wonderful hosts, treating me to delicious home-cooked meals. It was the perfect pit stop before tackling the final mountain stretch to Colorado.

Next up was Pagosa Springs, a place I’ve visited before on my epic 2020 road trip. I managed to sell the tow dolly here and officially said goodbye to the towing life. It was such a relief! I also took some time for self-care at the hot springs spa. Picture this: 30 different soak tubs, each with varying temperatures, a bar, and a restaurant. Bliss! Although I was the only black person there, I didn’t let that dampen my spirits. It was a delightful experience and the perfect last stop before reaching Navajo State Park in Arboles, CO. I also visited the dispensaries here because I couldn't help it, I had to get Colorado Weed.

Settling in at Navajo State Park

I’ve now set up camp at Navajo State Park, and I have to say, it’s a sweet gig. I’m stationed at one of the quieter campgrounds of 3 with a fantastic view of the lake and mountains. Initially, it was a bit rough adjusting to the colder weather. Daria, my dog, outright refused to go outside for the first few days. I don’t blame her; freezing temps and high winds aren’t exactly inviting. But the weather has since warmed up, making life much more pleasant.

I’ve been busy setting up my mini greenhouse, hoping to grow tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, watermelon, spinach, kale, green onions, stevia, echinacea, and of course, cannabis. Any tips are welcome! Over Memorial Day weekend, I even went out on one of the rental boats with the marina manager and his family for a bit of fishing. It was too breezy for a long outing but still fun. I’m allowed to take the boat out anytime it’s not booked, so I’m looking forward to having some visitors to share the experience with.

The work here is pretty straightforward: cleaning fire pits and keeping the sidewalks tidy around the cabins in my section. In return, I get a free spot with hookups, free laundry, free boat use, and a Colorado State Parks pass once I complete 50 hours of service. Not too shabby!

Health and Business Updates

I’ve continued my monthly 2-day fasts, and they’re getting easier each time. If anyone wants to join for accountability, let me know for next month! My poos are back to normal and I've added some supplements and herbs to my stash to boost my gut health for the summer. I've also been practicing classic ballet with my portable outdoor barre setup.

On the business front, I’ve been catching up on social media and campaign work for Royal Poo Company. The prototype is expected to arrive early next month. It is currently shipping from China to Florida, where my engineering team will paint and assemble it before sending it to me. Exciting times ahead!

For income, I’ve been doing well with an app called Dscout, making $600 since April. I highly recommend it! I’m also gearing up to start hotel planner, an inbound call hotel reservation gig. My introverted side has been holding me back, but I’m pushing through. June is going to be all about promoting and making money from my own ventures, including consulting, content creation for my YouTube channel and social media, and creatively selling the last of my natural deodorant inventory.

Doggie Updates & Grocery Adventures

The dogs are adjusting well. They’ve been enjoying peaceful walks around the campground without too many interruptions. Daria had a tough time with the cold initially but is doing much better now. Dude is losing his winter coat and shedding everywhere – it looks like he’s lost weight! Both dogs are in good health and spirits, ready for more adventures.

For groceries, I’ve been experimenting with different delivery services. So far, I’ve tried Hungryroot (grocery and meal kits), Misfits Market (discounted groceries), and HelloFresh is on the way (meal kits). If anyone wants to try HelloFresh, use my code for a free box, and I get a $35 credit: HelloFresh Referral.

June Goals:

Business and Creative Ventures

June is all about getting serious with my business endeavors. I'll be focusing on brand awareness and promoting the crowdfunding campaign for Royal Poo Company. Focus on marketing and social media promoting Crowned Consulting, content creation for my YouTube channel and social media (IG and TikTok), and selling the last of my natural deodorants in a creative way.

I'm also starting to work on New Projects including the prototype for my dating app, creating a mini-course and ebook related to Queen’s Empowerment, and brainstorming some creative merch ideas to sell. There’s even a book idea brewing about my life as a full-time nomad, but that's still in the idea stage.

Future Travel Planning

I'm putting together plans for my birthday and for fall and wintering in the RV. I’ve postponed my annual birthday trip until after Labor Day, but for the actual day, I plan to indulge in some intense self-care treatments, a unique Airbnb stay (either a cannabis BnB or an Earthship), and a bucket list activity.

I’ve also been researching nice and cheap RV parks in Mexico for the winter season and also looking into house-sitting or work camping opportunities down there so I can possibly live for FREE intially. Thinking about having a bilingual friend join me for the road trip crossing to make life so much easier.

Lastly, seeing all the people living on houseboats in the lake has inspired me. I'm looking into trading up the RV for houseboat life in the near future until I'm ready for sailboat life. Manifesting this dream, for sure!

Fitness Goals

Keep up with my fitness routine, including ballet practice, but I also plan to add on a 7 or 14 day youtube video fitness challenge to kick off June. I got a new pair of rollerblades coming in the mail it one of my favorite pastimes but also a great leg and glute workout. The trails are calling me and exploring in nature on a good hike is definitely on the agenda for June before it really get too hot to enjoy it.

Final Thoughts:

May has been a month of growth, change, and new beginnings. I’m excited to see what June brings. So, here’s to hoping June slows down a bit so I can enjoy every second here in Colorado. Thanks for being part of this wild ride – I couldn’t do it without you all!

Stay fabulous and adventurous,

Queen Tasha.