Tasha's Monthly Life Update: February Edition

February Life Update and March Goals


Queen Tasha

2/27/20244 min read

dragon display
dragon display

Howdy, dear friends and family,!

As the chill of February melts away into the promise of spring, I can't help but share the whirlwind of happenings from the past month. So grab a cup of your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's catch up!

February Recap:

First things first, can I get a hallelujah for the warmer weather in Texas? Seriously, it's like a breath of fresh air after the icy grip of January. Speaking of which, I made a tactical retreat back to Thousand Trails in Willis, TX. Why, you ask? Well, let's just say the Columbus location wasn't exactly vibing with my Instacart hustle. Plus, their rulebook seemed thicker than a phone book, and nobody's got time for unnecessary regulations! Back in Willis with my trusty canine companions, we're hunkering down until our summer adventures beckon us elsewhere.

This year I celebrated Chinese New Year, ushering in the Year of the Wood Dragon with optimism. As a Pig, this promises to be a fortuitous year. Curious about what the Chinese horoscope predicts for 1983 Pigs in 2024? Let's find out!

Chinese Horoscope Prediction for the 1983 Pig in 2024: This year, Pigs are poised for success! Opportunities abound, especially in career and finances. Your hard work will pay off handsomely, leading to significant advancements. Keep an eye out for unexpected windfalls and trust your instincts when it comes to investments. Embrace change with open arms, as it paves the way for growth and prosperity. Remember to prioritize self-care amidst the hustle and bustle of life. Love is in the air, so keep your heart open to new connections and experiences. With determination and a positive attitude, you'll conquer any challenge that comes your way!

March Goals:

Now, onto the grand plans for March! I'm laser-focused on polishing up my first-quarter goals for Royal Poo Company, my brainchild in the making. With ChatGPT by my side, I've been churning out business plans, proposals, and grant applications faster than you can say "entrepreneurial spirit." The goal? To kick Instacart to the curb and pave my own path to financial freedom. Wish me luck!

In addition to business hustle, I'm determined to put the finishing touches on Chapter 40 of my vision journal. Because let's face it, manifesting your dreams is way more fun with a side of glitter and glue sticks!

And let's not forget about my trusty RV, patiently waiting for some TLC. From replacing the fridge that recently had become unsafe to use, to sealing the roof before the spring rainy season, there's no shortage of DIY adventures on the horizon there's much to be done. Manifesting the necessary funds to ensure a smooth process!

Theme Song: This Year (Blessings) by Victor Thompson feat. Ehis 'D'Greatest

Life Updates & Shenanigans:

In the realm of entrepreneurship, things are buzzing! From finalizing business plans to drafting proposals, I've been keeping ChatGPT on its toes. And hey, who says you can't run multiple businesses at once? Queen Tasha's Empire is in the works, alongside two exciting ventures: Roam2Gether, a dating app for BIPOC nomads, and Casa de Reinas, a Community Land Co-Op in Mexico.

Amidst all the hustle, I managed to squeeze in some socializing with a fellow Black Full-time RVer . We made attempts at fishing and hiking but were less than successful, but the conversations about martial arts were top-notch!

And can we talk about my last beach camping experience? Surfside Beach near Freeport, Texas, stole my heart with its sandy shores and dog-friendly vibes. Dude and Daria had a blast frolicking in the waves on our daily beach walks—I swear, those two are water babies!

Speaking of the fur babies, Dude and Daria, are gearing up to celebrate their second birthdays in March, they're officially accepting gifts and gift cards for treats, grooming, and stylish GPS name collars. Because let's face it, they're destined for Instagram stardom, and a little pampering never hurt anyone! Who knew dogs could rake in the big bucks as Influencers too? I plan to transition them from harnesses to collars, as they're poised for training soon.

Health and Wellness:

On the health front, I'm still on a mission to conquer my gut health woes. Microbiome and parasite tests are on the horizon, because knowledge is power, folks! And while my sourdough-making adventures hit a snag (RIP, frozen starter), I've rediscovered the joy of movement using my unused kettle bells while outside in the morning with the pups. But I plan to get back into dance movement with a freebie ballet barre I scored from Facebook Marketplace. Who knew there was a whole portable ballet barre trend?

Future Adventures:

Looking ahead, I've got my sights set on Colorado for the summer, with a volunteer camp host gig at Navajo State Park lined up from May to September. And from there? Well, let's just say Mexico is calling my name, and I intend to answer!

Oh, and for My Birthday Trip this year the mental itinerary has an Ayahuasca Retreat to Peru in the works. Ayahuasca, anyone? If you're feeling adventurous, hit me up!

Well, that about wraps it up for this month's life update. Thanks for tuning in, and here's to embracing the wild ride that is life!

Catch you on the flip side

Peace & Blessing

Queen Tasha